Wednesday, August 12, 2020

"Into the Spider-Verse" - Part Three


Part Three

            Once again captured by the bad guys, I was brought to the Six’s hideout: a research facility on the far side of town, owned by Norman Osborn. There, I had the unfortunate pleasure of meeting the rest of the villainous group: another creature that was similar in nature to Venom (only more sinister-looking), a lizard man, and a man whose body was propelled by robotic tentacles like an octopus.

            “So, this is the Sinister Six,” I named them (although I believe that’s the name already meant for them). “Or is it more like ‘Fearsome Five’ now?”

            “SHUT YOUR MOUTH!” I clearly triggered the surviving goblin man, who arrived at the facility shortly after the vulture man and I had. “You killed the son that I wish I had in my dimension – fearless and vindictive! I swear I will avenge him…by killing you!”

            “We’re all for that idea!” the Venom clone backed. “We’ll sever her head from her body and deliver it to Shredder and Krang. As far as the body…well…it has been awhile since we’ve feasted.” His tongue, twice as revolting as Venom’s, oozed with delight at the very notion of eating my body. I was surrounded by psychopaths that all had it in for me, all ‘cause of a stupid bounty placed by a couple of stupid cartoon baddies.

            But one of them did put a muzzle on their bloodlust – the octopus man. “We’re bringing her in alive,” he declared. “Right now, let’s worry about getting a gateway into Dimension X opened.” He appeared to be the Six’s resident expert on interdimensional tech, using the facility’s resources (which were fluent in interdimensional properties in this dimension) to create a portal into this “Dimension X,” which must’ve been the home of Shredder and Krang…or just Krang.

            “Typical Saturday Morning villain trope,” I criticized this master plan of theirs. “I’ll escape again like I did before…with my friends’ help.”

            “The game has changed this time, Doctor,” the lizard man told me (he had a British accent of his own). “Shredder and Krang aren’t the same men as before. They’ve become much bolder versions of themselves while scouring all of the multiverse for you.”

            I scoffed, not buying a word of it. “Those two? Don’t make me laugh.”

            The lizard man only just smirked at me and told me what I already knew: “There’s a hunt out for you, Doctor. Fortunately, we beat the rest of them to the punch.”

            “Did somebody say ‘punch’?” a familiar, wise-cracking voice said right before Peter B. leaped in and struck the lizard man across the face.

            He didn’t come alone. He was accompanied by four other Spider-Men. There, of course, was young Miles Morales. And then there were the other three: a Spider-Man with a highly-detailed costume (the “webs” on it were third-dimensional), a Spider-Girl dressed in a white-hooded costume (complete with turquoise ballerina slippers), and a Spider-Man in an armored costume.

            That third one recognized me somehow, as he swung over me and shouted, “Nice seein’ ya again, Doc!” Perhaps we met at a time that I haven’t yet experienced? That was always the case (particularly with my wife, River Song).

            Venom arrived with the Spider Squad. This must’ve been the team he was referring to. Together, they engaged in battle with the remaining members of the Six – except for the octopus man, who was busy putting the final touches into his dimensional portal. I made a move to stop him with my sonic, but it only attracted his attention.

            He had one of his robotic tentacles snatch me by the arm I intended to use the sonic with and hoist me up a few feet off the floor. “Now, now, Doctor,” he taunted me. “Shredder and Krang warned me about your sonic tech, so I took the liberty of making my machine ‘sonic proof’.”

            “But is it spider proof?” I heard Miles ask.

            I didn’t see him anywhere in sight…and neither did the octopus man…until the sneaky lad materialized near the machine, having cloaked himself. He then short-circuited it by merely putting his hand against it, unleashing some sort of electric charge (I had no idea he could do that!).

            The effect created a power vacuum within the lab, sucking most of everything into the portal, including the remaining members of the Six. The whole ordeal gave me flashbacks to a time in one of my previous lives I’d rather not go into for this narrative.

            Anyways, I was nearly sucked in myself, had it not been for good ol’ Miles.

            Venom shut down the machine, pounding it to scrap metal with his bare hands, trapping the Six within whatever dimension they went to.

            After all the excitement, I heard the TARDIS engines reverberate through the area and witnessed my oldest friend’s arrival there, bringing Ryan, Yaz, and Graham. “How were you able to pilot the TARDIS?” I asked them on the very rare circumstance.

            “E.T. got us here,” Graham told me.

            That little alien is just full of tricks. ^_^ <--Me proud face!

            I thanked Venom and the Spider Squad for their efforts in stopping the remaining Six members and promised to return each of them (minus Miles) to their respective dimensions.

            But this was all far from over.

            If what that lizard man told me was all true, even the part about Shredder and Krang being “much bolder” than before, then I was gonna have to take the fight to them to end this interdimensional hunt for me.

            And I was gonna need help…I was gonna need the Gladiator of Gallifrey!



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